“Welcome to Jaipur”, prestolnico Rajasthana. 3 milijone in nekaj ljudi, verjetno podobna skupna številka tuk tukov, avtomobilov, motorjev in ostalih prevoznih sredstev vseh možnih oblik in dimenzij. Potem pa je k temu treba dodati še simpatične tavajoče krave, dobro rejene potepuške pse, predrzne opice, nekaj vodnih bivolov in nadvse simpatične kamele. In kamele so res zakon. Ja in da ne pozabim – v prometu je treba paziti tudi na slone. Skratka, svet v malem. 🙂 Ja, zanimivo je bilo priti v to prvo mesto na naši turi po Rajasthanu. In če nam bi bilo ob začetku mesto težko bolj nesimpatično, nam je kasneje kar hitro dobesedno zlezlo pod kožo. 🙂 Obisk trdnjave Nahargarh je bila uvertura v to pink mesto. In to prava. Fantastični razgledi na mesto neverjetnih dimenzij nas niso pustili ravnodušne. Mogoče so k temu botrovale tudi nore opice, divji pavi in zgodbe domačinov o tistih “pravih” gospodarjih teh pustih sušnih hribov nad milijonskim mestom – leopardih namreč. Kljub temu, da naj bi jih bilo kar nekaj, je videnj zelo malo – a za predramit možgane so bile dovolj že zgodbe same. 😉
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“Welcome to Jaipur”, the capital city of Rajasthan. 3+ million citizens and probably the same number of all kind of vehicles – from tuk tuks to motorbikes, cars and trucks of all sizes and dimensions. And then you have to add also freely wandering cows, street dogs, crazy monkeys, couple of water buffalos and of course cute camels. 🙂 Yes, and let me not forget – in the traffic, you have to look out for the elephants too. 🙂 Yes, it was interesting to get to this first place on our tour around Rajasthan. And if we really didn’t like the city at the beginning, it quickly became one of our favourite ones. At the end of the first day we visited Nahargarh fort on the hills above the city. And it was the right place to end the day. Fantastic views of the place of incredible dimensions did not leave us indifferent. Perhaps this was also caused by crazy monkeys all around us, wild peacocks and the stories of the locals about the “real” masters of these deserted dry hills above the city – the leopards. Despite the fact that there are quite a few, its really hard to see them – but for us even the stories were enough. 🙂