Vse lepo v letu 2013

Najprej naj voščim vsem vse lepo v letu 2013. Želim vam čim več trenutkov, ki bi jih najraje postavili kar v okvir in izobesili na steno vaše dnevne sobe 🙂

All the best in 2013 to all of you. I wish you many special moments. Moments, that you would just like to put them in a frame and hang them on the wall of your living room.

No, v zadnjem obdobju me pri mojih fotografiranjih velikokrat spremlja moj novi asistent – trenutno še v fazi učenja.

Well, in the last period I am often accompanied by my new assistant – still in the phase of learning.

Večinoma skrbi za luč,

He is in charge of the lights,

posebne efekte,

special effects,

iskanje novih zornih kotov,

looking for new angles,

in preizkušanje novih pripomočkov (vsi vedo,da je fotograf en štor in non stop nekaj poškodovan).

and testing new equipment – you all know, that I am clumsy and injured all the time.

Po potrebi pa poskrbi za varnost na prizorišču fotografiranja.

If necessary he is also in charge for the security.

Mali, še enkrat hvala za vse. Pa še na čim več takih projektov 🙂

Thanks again for all, my little assistant. And I am looking forward to many new projects like this in the future.

