Večeri so najlepši

Če vprašate mene, ga ni čez lep večer. 🙂 No, mogoče tudi zato, ker nisem ravno jutranji tip človeka in z veseljem prespim tudi precej lepa jutra. 🙂  🙂 Obožujem večere v gorah, navdušen sem nad večeri ob jezerih, rekah in morjih. Čas se ponavadi takrat kar ustavi in ni redko, da imamo z družino precej markantne lokacije v večernem času le zase. In nekaj podobnega je bilo tudi med našim road tripom po Dolomitih in sosednji Avstriji. Če je bil večer na obalah jezera Plansee čaroben, je bil večer pod obronki Sass de Putia en navaden kič. 🙂 A taki kiči so nam precej všeč. 🙂

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If you ask me, evenings are the best part of the day. 🙂 Well, maybe also because I’m not really a morning person and I am happy to sleep also on a lovely morning. 🙂 🙂 I love evenings in the mountains, I’m impressed by the evening beauty at lakes, rivers and seas. Time usually stops at that moment and it’s not uncommon for us to have a fairly striking location in the evening just for ourselves. And it was like that also during our road trip around the Dolomites and neighbouring Austria. The evening on the shores of Lake Plansee was magical, but it was even better under the mighty Sass de Putia. 

