Simpatični Dingle, Irska

Polotok Dingle na skrajnem jugozahodnem delu Irske je ena taka fajn, simpatična lokacija, ki ponuja praktično vse. Mogoče je kar Irska v malem. In nam je bil, mogoče tudi zaradi lepega vremena, res nekaj posebnega. Simpatično mestece Dingle je center civilizacije. S svojimi pisanimi hiškami in številčnimi bari kar kliče po obisku, sploh ko zaključiš s kakšnim izmed mnogih fantastičnih pohodov po polotoku. In pohodnih tur je res veliko. In to s kakšnimi razgledi!!! Morska obala je divja, neizprosna in očitno polna rib – sploh glede na Jakov ulov. 🙂 In če so vam valovi atlantika domači, je na razpolago še polno norčij na morju – najbolj penzionistična od vseh je zagotovo obisk lokalnega delfina po imenu Fungie, ki kraljuje v tistih vodah že kar nekaj let. Glede na prebrano smo mu ljudje začuda še vedno simpatični. A morje sem jaz raje gledal le od daleč. Zgodbe o mirnem Atlantiku, ki sem jih poslušal na Lofotih, so mi bile konkretna lekcija. 🙂 🙂 Osel gre očitno res le enkrat na led. 😉

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The Dingle Peninsula in the far south-west of Ireland is really an amazing place. Maybe it’s like Ireland in a small package. In those couple of days we had a great time there, also because the weather was great. The pretty Dingle town is the center of civilisation on the peninsula. With its colorful houses and numerous pubs its a great destination for evening visit, especially after finishing one of many possibile hikes. And there are a lot of hiking tours, many of them with great views. The seacoast is wild and obviously full of fish – well thats my opinion after watching my son catching fish almost every minute. :). 🙂 And if the waves of the Atlantic ocean are not a problem for you, there are plenty things to do also on them – the easiest trip is the trip to the local dolphin named Fungie, who lives in this water for years now. But the sea is not my element – especially on fishing boats. 🙂 The memories from Lofoten are still fresh, especially those fake stories about calm Atlantic ocean. 🙂  The donkey obviously only goes once on ice. 😉

