In the kingdom of tapirs, monkeys, elephants and tigers, Malezija


Po odhodu iz Singapurja se je naša prava pot šele začela. Najprej z letalom do Penanga, potem prevzem avta na letališču in po prespani noči v hotelu, ki ni vreden niti omembe, smo se počasi podali na pot proti najstarejšemu tropskemu gozdu na svetu – Taman Negari. Volan na levi ni delal problemov, probleme so delali le vaški dirkači, ki očitno uživajo prav v prehitevanju v popolnoma nepreglednih ovinkih. Ja in nikoli nisem videl toliko povoženih kač vseh mogočih dimenzij in barv – ti da kar misliti. 🙂 Kot bazo smo si v Taman Negari izbrali “Delimah guesthouse”, simpatično domačijo gospe Delimah, pri kateri smo se počutili kot doma. In tropski gozd? Izpolnil je še vsa tako visoka pričakovanja. Neverjetno. Izlet do Lata Berkoh je bil pravljičen, naravnost fantastičen. Že sama vožnja s čolnom po ozki rečni strugi, prekriti z vejami stoletnih dreves je nekaj posebnega. Ko pa k temu dodaš še plavanje v čarobnih tolmunih, ki te čakajo na koncu – čista pika na i. :.) No, še bolj posebni so bili občutki, ko sem stal na edini skali sredi reke, kjer mi je voda segala le do pasu in fotografiral odhajajoči čoln v daljavi – težko opišem – je treba probat. 🙂 No, če vas to ne prepriča, pa imate na razpolago še hojo 40 metrov visoko nad tlemi, med vršaci dreves, v kraljestvu opic in drugih bitij tega čarobnega gozda. In še za ljubitelje kulinarike – jih ni čez dober “Satay” na rečnem splavu – pečen tudi s pomočjo sodobnih kuhinjskih pripomočkov. 🙂
After leaving Singapore our journey began for real. First plane to Penang, then renting a car, taking a sleep in a hotel, that is not even worth mentioning, and then we slowly started our journey to the oldest tropical rainforest in the world – Taman Negara. The steering wheel on the left did not make any problems, the problems were the crazy local drivers, who obviously really enjoys overpassing in a completely crazy spots. Yeah, and I’ve never seen so many dead snakes on the road – different sizes and colors – makes you think about it. 🙂 As a base for exploring the area we chose lovely homestay”Delimah Guesthouse”, where we felt like at home. And tropical forest? It fulfilled all our expectations. Unbelievable. A trip to Lata Berkoh was fabulous, fantastic. Cruising by the boat on the narrow river, covered with branches of the old trees is something special. But when you add swimming in the magical pools that are waiting for you at the end of the cruise – just spectacular. :.) Well, even more special were the feelings when I stood on the only rock in the middle of the river, where water was deep to my waist and photographed our departing boat in the distance – hard to describe – you must try it. 🙂 Well, if that is not enough for you, you can choose can0py walk 40 meters above the ground, between the peaks of the trees in the kingdom of the monkeys. And  for lovers of gastronomy – there is nothing better than good “Satay”, served on the river raft – made with a help of modern cooking technology. 🙂 🙂


