V iskanju severnih medvedov


Grenlandija je daleč. Prav tako Svalbard. A včasih zadostuje tudi okolica Logatca. 🙂 🙂 Za zanimivo doživetje je včasih potrebno res malo. Nekaj cm snega, temperaturo nekaj stopinj pod ničlo, staro zašiljeno palico ter zgodbo ali dve o pogumnih inuitih in njihoven lovu na mogočne polarne medvede. 🙂

Greenland is far away, Svalbard as well. But sometimes Logatec and the surrounding area is perfect choice. 🙂 🙂 You dont need much for a great adventure. A few centimeters of snow, the temperature a few degrees below zero, an old edged stick and a story or two about the courageous Inuit hunters and mighty polar bears.


