USA road trip – San Francisco

Nekje na pol poti iz Mono Lake do San Francisca so se stvari malo zapletle. Med vožnjo se je razbilo prednje steklo in na srečo smo nekako spravili avto do letališča v San Franciscu, ga zamenjali in potem nadaljevali s potjo. V San Franciscu smo ostali cele 3 dni in z lahkoto bi celotno stvar še podaljšali. Meni osebno je mesto eno izmed najlepših, najbolj fotogeničnih in najbolj raznolikih mest, ki sem jih obiskal do sedaj – in ni jih bilo malo. Da pa nam je bilo v mestu še lepše je poskrbel prijatelj Jon in njegova družina, kjer smo se počutili kot doma – mogoče celo boljše. 🙂 Jon, tebi in tvoji družini še enkrat hvala za vse – bilo je nepozabno. Fotografija v teh 3 dneh ni bila na prvem mestu. Šlo je bolj za začutiti mesto, uživati v dobri družbi – no in če poleg tega uspe še kakšna fotka še toliko bolje. 🙂

Somewhere halfway from Mono Lake to San Francisco, things got little more complicated. While driving, the front glass broke and luckily we somehow managed to get the car to the San Francisco airport, replace it and then continue the journey. In San Francisco we stayed whole 3 days and we could easily stay longer. I personally find the city one of the most beautiful, the most photogenic and the most diverse cities I have visited so far. And we were extremely lucky that we were guests at Jon’s family house, where we felt like at home – maybe even better than at home. 🙂 Jon, thank you again to you and your family for everything – it was unforgettable. Photography in those 3 days was not in the first place.  We just tried to feel the city and enjoy in really good company.

