Po vseh skalah in puščavah, ki so nas spremljale zadnje tedne naše poti po ZDA, je bila po White Sands NM na vrsti civilizacija. Najprej smo obiskali zloglasni Tombstone, si ogledali bitko pri OK Corralu, potem pa še Tuscon, drugo največje mesto Arizone, v katerem pa smo zdržali le kakšno uro – betona je bilo enostavno preveč. Divje narave na tistih koncih res ni težko najti. Najlepšo smo tako našli v Saguaro NP, ki je znan predvsem po kaktusih saguaro – pravih ikonah ameriškega divjega zahoda. Da pa vam ne bo dolgčas, so tukaj še ptiči bi-bip – no saj ste gledali tisto risanko, ko kojot lovi naspidiranega ptiča, pa vrhunski sladki kruh ameriških staroselcev, pa pokopališča starih letal…
After all the rocks and deserts there was time for some civilization on our road trip around USA. First we visited the famous Tombstone, watched the battle at the OK Corral, then Tucson, Arizona’s second largest city. We stayed there just for an hour or two and then left – there was just to much civilization for us at that time. 🙂 But even if we were in a really big city, wild nature was not far away. Saguaro NP is just couple of miles away, wild as it can be, with saguaro cactus all over the landscape. But there are also so many other interesting things to see – there are that beep-beep birds from the cartoon, where the coyote hunts that fast bird, and excellent sweet bread made by Native Americans, the cemetery of old aircrafts …