USA road trip – Joshua Tree NP

Če je kateri park ta, ki ga med obiskom ZDA morate videti, je to po mojem mnenju zagotovo Joshua Tree NP. O njem sem bral že kar nekaj pred našim odhodom na pot, a vseeno sem bil ob prihodu v park čisto šokiran nad pokrajino, ki nas je obkrožala. Nezemeljsko. Ne morem z besedami opisati občutij, ko smo se z avtom počasi peljali proti kampu in občudovali to pravljično pokrajino. V kampu se je vse skupaj le še nadaljevalo – kamp je bil zagotovo eden izmed najlepših, kar sem jih obiskal do sedaj – in ni jih bilo malo. No, in ko smo se v kampu začeli med seboj pogovarjati v slovenščini, je do nas pristopila neka američanka in nas vprašala, od kje smo. Ko je slišala Slovenija, je postala čisto navdušena. Začela nam je razlagati, da to pa pozna, Ljubljana…, da je njen mož strasten ribič in da že nekaj let planirajo pot v Slovenijo, ker je to eden izmed najlepših in najprestižnejših lokacij za ribolov na svetu. 🙂 Sledilo je povabilo na čaj in kakav, povabilo na posedanje ob ognju (ogenj je v ameriki bistvo vsakega kampiranja), peka marshmallow-ov… Vse skupaj je bila le pika na i celotnemu dogajanju. V parku smo ostali 2 noči, a brez problema bi ostali še dlje. Naslednji dan smo tako pohajkovali po različnih poteh, iskali tarantele in jih na koncu tudi našli… Zadnje jutro v nacionalnih parkih Amerike smo začeli tik pred sončnim vzhodom, na področju, kjer rastejo kaktusi “Teddybear”. Nebo je bilo oblačno, le tanek pas tik nad horizontom je bil brez oblakov. Predstava narave je trajala le minuto ali dve a je bila mogoče prav zaradi tega še toliko bolj spektakularna. Prva fotka v tem postu je nastala v tej minuti – nepozabno, upam, da še kdaj. 🙂

If there is one national park in USA, that you must visit during your stay in USA, Joshua Tree NP is the one. I read about it quite a lot before our departure, but I was still shocked by the unbelievable landscape that surrounded us. It was like we were on the different planet. I can not describe our feelings with words, when we were slowly driving through fairytale landscape to the campsite. Campsite was one of the most amazing places that I have stayed till now – and there was a lot of campsites all around the world. After we began to spoke to each other in slovene language, an american lady approached us and asked from where are we. When she heard of Slovenia, she became quite excited. She started to talk about Slovenia, Ljubljana…, she explained that her husband is a fisherman and that they are planning a trip to Slovenia  for years now, because this is one of the most beautiful and prestigious locations for fishing in the world. 🙂 After that she invited us to for a cup of tea and cocoa, after that we were invited to gather around the campfire and eat some marshmallows…  It was just unforgettable first evening at the park. In the park we stayed 2 nights, but it would be better to stay longer. The next day we were hiking around the park, looking for tarantulas and finally found one… We woke up on the last morning in the USA national parks just before the sunrise. I was planning to take some photos of the “teddybear” cactuses. The sky was overcast, there was only a thin strip just above the horizon that was cloudless. The show of the nature lasted only for a minute or two but because of that it was probably even more spectacular. The first photo in this post was created within this minute – unforgettable. I hope there will be more minutes like this also in the future . 🙂

