USA road trip – Capitol reef National park

Država Utah je prav gotovo zgodba zase potovanja po ZDA. Sploh ne vem, če je možno na našem planetu najti področje, kjer bi bilo toliko naravnih čudes, kot jih lahko najdeš v Utahu. En nacionalni park boljši od drugega. Če smo bili ob odhodu čisto navdušeni nad Arches in Canyonlands, nas je Capitol Reef pričakal že z skoraj preveč kičastimi barvami prihajajoče jeseni. V parku smo ostali dve noči, spali pa smo verjetno v enem izmed najlepših kampov do sedaj. Zjutraj in zvečer smo se potikali po različnih potek parka in raziskovali njegove rdeče skale, čez dan pa uživali ob nabiranju eko jabolk tik ob našem kampu, se čudili naš številom jelenjadi v samem kampu, se sladkali z domačimi pitami…

Utah is certainly a story of its own when you travel throughout the United States. I do not know if it is possible to find an area on our planet, where there is more natural wonders then in Utah. It’s just amazing – one national park is better than another. When we left Arches and Canyonlands, we were still impressed by their landscape. But when we arrived to Capitol Reef national park, we were greeted with already almost too kitschy colors from the coming autumn. In the park we stayed two nights, and slept probably in one of the most beautiful campgrounds so far. In the morning and in the evening we were wondering in the park and during the day we enjoyed in the orchard nearby, picking up apples, looking deers everywhere, eating delicious pies…

