USA road trip – Arches and Canyonlands national park

Arches in Canyonlands NP sta verjetno ena izmed najbolj obiskanih nacionalnih parkov v ZDA. In to z razlogom – sploh če si npr. pokrajinski fotograf. Sam to nikoli nisem bil in verjetno tudi ne bom – enostavno se mi ne da vstajati sredi noči, sploh pa nisem tip, ki bi ure in ure čakal na tisti “pravi” moment. Še toliko težje sem se sprijaznil z dejstvom, da bodo nekatere lokacije polne fotografov, ki bodo že ure pred sončnim vzhodom in zahodom zasedli najboljše lokacije in jih varovali na vse možne načine. No, pri najbolj markantnem in največkrat fotografiranem naravnem mostu – Delicate arch-u pa sem doživel še nekaj, česar si nisem predstavljal niti v sanjah. Fotograf, ki je bil od mene oddaljen le nekaj metrov, in je bil z opremo vreden več kot pa jaz z mojo, našim najetim avtom (pa še kakšno ledvico bi moral darovati), je začel v zadnjih trenutkih pred sončnim zahodom glasno, arogantno odganjati ostale nefotografe iz bližine naravnega mosta. Vse skupaj je postala prava farsa, saj so ljudje še bolj množično lezli na naravni most, on pa je le še obupano in z glasnimi opazkami opazoval dogajanje. Nekateri fotografi po mojem mnenju res nimajo ne okusa ne meje, do kam lahko gredo.

Arches and Canyonlands NP are probably one of the most visited national parks in the United States – especially among landscape photographers. I dont think that I am a landscape photographer – I am just to lazy to wake in the middle of the night and wait for that “right” moment to arrive. Before our departure to USA I knew that some locations will be full of photographers, who will come to the right spot hours before sunrise or sunset and battle to protect it for any costs. At the most photographed natural bridge – Delicate arch I have seen something I did not imagine even in my dreams. Photographer who was standing just couple of meters away from me and had photo equipment worth more than mine plus the value of our rental car and maybe my kidney, started to ask loudly and with arrogant tone in his voice other people with no camera in their hands to move away from the arch. Then all became a farse, because people just climbed more and more to the arch and he just desperately watched the scene. Some photographers in my opinion really have no taste and no limit to where they can go.

