Svet v malem – Ljubelj


Že kar nekaj let potujem po svetu in težko bi našel deželo, kjer se lahko dopoldan podaš na sankanje v pravo zimsko idilo, popoldan pa se z avtom odpelješ le kakšno uro stran in uživaš v pravi spomladanski idili ob morju. V kraje, kamor se odpravljamo čez točno 14 dni, take idile ni. So pa definitivno druge. :):)

I am traveling around the world for quite a few years now. And I have to admit that it’s almost impossible to find a place like our little Slovenia, where you can go sledding in the morning in a winter fairytale and in the afternoon enjoy spring temperatures on the sea coast. In the country where we are going in exactly 14 days, its impossible to even imagine this. But believe me, there are places there, where we will just stare and enjoy every given second. 🙂 🙂


