Za mano je spet vikend fotografiranja in obdelovanja fotografij – in vreme ni bil kakšen motivacijski dejavnik za sedenje ob računalniku. Družinskih planov ni bilo, a kljub temu je po nedeljskem kosilu padla ideja, da pa nekam vseeno skočimo – na kraško Vremščico. Vreme je bilo idealno, samo na vrhu je bilo precej vetrovno. Ko smo prišli po 2 urah počasi do vrha, so zadnji pohodniki že odrinili proti domu in Vremščico smo imeli čisto zase – no, če odmislim morebitnega volka ali dva v bližini. 🙂
Despite perfect weather for outdoor adventures, my weekend was full of photography and sitting in front of the computer. We didn’t have any family plans, but nevertheless, after Sunday lunch, we decided to hike to the summit of Vremščica. The weather was perfect, there was just a little too windy on the top. When we got to the summit after 2h hike, there was nobody left on the hill – well, maybe just a wolf or two in the forest nearby. 🙂