Zadnjih 14 dni sem se s fotoaparatom potikal po Omanu. Ideja za pot je padla konec prejšnjega leta, zato je bilo časa za organizacijo res malo. Želja je bila, da čim bolje pofotografiram to malo poznano državo bližnjega vzhoda. Družbo sta mi delala “Silvinio” in “Fujitsu”, kolega, ki sta prenašala moje fotografske kaprice, asistirala, pozirala, porivala avto iz preglobokega peska… Vse se je začelo na letališču v Muscatu, kjer nas je čakala Fatima – po naše Toyota Landcruiser, s katero smo se z vsemi zalogami vode in hrane in vso kamping opremo podali na lov za čim boljšimi posnetki. In v 14-ih dneh smo doživeli se mi zdi še preveč. Drugi dan nas je ponoči obiskal orkanski veter in skoraj popolnoma uničil naše šotore, čez dva dni smo s trajektom nasedli na pol poti do celine, obstali z avtom v globokem pesku in se s pomočjo prijaznih domačinov nekako rešili, pa reševali ostale kaprice naše dame… Skratka noro, nepozabno. Več fotk in zgodb pa v naslednjih postih.
The last 14 days I was traveling through Oman. I got the idea for the trip at the end of last year, so there was little time to organize everything. My plan was to make as good photos as possible of this little-known country. With me traveled two coleagues, “Silvinio” and “Fujitsu”, who tried to understand my “stop here” sentence every 5 minutes, assisted and posed when necessary… It all started at the airport in Muscat, where our Fatima – alias Toyota Landcruiser waited for us. We packed all food, water and camping equipment for 14 days and started our hunt for the best possible images. And in the 14th days we have experienced it seems to me too much. The second day we were visited by hurricane wind that almost completely destroyed our tents, after two days our ferry stranded halfway to the mainland, then our car was stucked in a deep sand and with the help of friendly locals somehow solved, and then there were many small problems that we had with our Fatima. In short – it was a crazy, unforgettable journey. More photos and stories in the next post.