Slovo poročni sezoni 2017 – Strunjan

Za nama je 9 sezona poročne fotografije. Sezona, v kateri sva spoznala kar nekaj novih poročnih lokacij, odkrila nekaj noro lepih punktov za nadaljnja fotografiranja, predvsem pa je bila to spet sezona, kjer sva imela možnost spoznati nekaj res super ljudi. Če bi vprašali moje najbližje bi hitro ugotovili, da sem človek, ki rad eksperimentira, išče nove izzive, priložnosti in da se le redko dolgo držim določene stvari. A poročne fotografije nimam dovolj niti po 9 sezoni. 🙂 V njej uživam verjetno še bolj kot na začetku, uživam v spoznavanju zanimivih ljudi, predvsem pa je neverjeten občutek, ko vidiš vse tiste reakcije ob predaji fotografij. Tisti trenutki so enostavno neprecenljivi. Vsem parom še enkrat hvala za izkazano zaupanje. Super ste! Zadnja poroka na slovenski obali je bila tista pika na i celotni zgodbi leta 2017. Enostavna po eni strani, super sproščena, predvsem pa polna pozitivne energije. Spodaj pa le se ena fotografija, ki sem jo uspešno nažical za objavo. Mislim da lepo prikaže, da poročni dnevi zagotovo niso dolgočasni. 😉

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We just finished with our 9th season of wedding photography. It was a season, were we found some new wedding locations, discovered some amazing spots, that we can use also in our photo projects in the future and above all, it was again the season, where we had the opportunity to meet some really great people. If you ask my loved ones, you would quickly find out that I am a person who likes to explore new things, new challenges, grab new opportunities, and that I rarely stick to a certain thing for a long time. But after 9 years I am still enjoying in wedding photography. 🙂  I probably enjoy it even more than at the beginning. 🙂  I enjoy getting to know interesting people, but above all, it’s an incredible feeling when you see all those reactions when you present final selection of the photos to the couples and other guests. Those moments are simply amazing. I thank all couples once again for the trust they showed us. You’re great! The last wedding day on the Slovenian coast was a perfect way to end the season 2017.  It was again perfect day, but not because of the locations but because of the couple itself and all that energy that you could feel everywhere.  I can show just couple of photos from that day but well – from them you can see for sure that wedding days are not boring at all. 🙂

