Slovenia Press Photo – ko skoraj zmagaš s “sekretom”

To pa je bil petek. Najprej praznovanje babičinih 90 in dedkovih 88 let, potem pa sem prejel še klic organizatorjev “Slovenia Press Photo festivala”, da bi bilo fajn, da se zaradi ene moje fotografije zvečer oglasim na podelitvi nagrad nagrajencem. Lepo. Sploh prvič sem poslal fotografije na ta foto natečaj in tudi drugače zelo redko pošljem kakšno fotko v ocenjevanje. Cel petek sem tako gruntal, katera fotka med poslanimi štirimi bi bila lahko všeč eminetni mednarodni žiriji. Proti vsem pričakovanjem so bili navdušeni nad fotko WC-ja, namenjenega obiskovalcem White sand national monumenta v državi New Mexico v ZDA. Nobl. Od mojega WC-ja je bila boljša le fotka zloglasnega slovenskega žleda. In glede na to sem se odločil, da so puščave, gore, sončni vzhodi, zahodi in ostale zadeve passé. Na vrsti je le lov na nov, seksi WC. 🙂 Hec. Lepo je bilo v družbi najboljših slovenskih fotografskih mojstrov. Upam, da še kdaj. Hvala še enkrat žiriji. Ostale nagrajene fotke natečaja pa lahko pogledate na Spodaj pa nobl WC iz bele puščave USA.

Last Friday was a busy Friday. First we celebrated the Grandma’s and Grandpa’s 90th and 88th birthday. And then I received a call from the organizers of Slovenia Press Photo competition, that one of my photos got an award. Cool. I sent photos to this photo event for the first time and also otherwise I very rarely send any photos to photo competitions. So I was thinking all Friday, which photo from the 4 that I sent the international jury did choose. Against all expectations they were impressed by the photo of public toilet, that I have taken during our road trip in USA – toilet in the White Sand National Monument, New Mexico, USA. Better than this photo was just a photo of a natural disaster, that took place last year and destroyed almost half of slovenian forest. So, now I am in a hunt for a new, sexy toilet – deserts, mountains, sunset, sunrises… are done. 🙂 Joke. It was nice to be surrounded with best slovenian photographers. Thanks again to the jury. Other award-winning photos of the contest can be found at And bellow my awarded minimalistic toilet. 🙂 


