Slemenova špica

Še nekaj dni bo treba počakati in Slemenova špica se bo pokazala v tisti pravi jesenski podobi. A ker v naslednjih tednih ne bo časa za izlet v tiste konce, smo ulovili zadnje sončno popoldne nekaj dni nazaj. Izlet do Slemenovih špic je fajn kadarkoli v letu. A jeseni, ko zažarijo vsi tisti macesni, je Špička nekaj posebnega -sploh pa med tednom, ko je gneče nekoliko manj. 🙂 Tokrat sem se Špičke lotil malo drugače, kot pa sem načrtoval – ker je omiljeni širokokotni objektiv nepričakovano ostal doma, je bilo treba malo improvizirati. 🙂

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Slemenova Špica is not there yet but in a couple of days it will be top notch. 🙂 But since there will be no time for a trip to those parts in the coming weeks, we caught the last sunny afternoon a few days away. A trip to Slemenova Špica is great any time of the year. But in the fall, when all those larch trees are on fire, Špička is something special – especially during the weekday, where there are not so many people. This time I handled Špička a little differently than I planned – because my favorite wide-angle lens unexpectedly stayed at home, I had to change my strategy 🙂

