Skandinavija – od Stockholma pa vse do Lofotov

Ko smo prišli do Stockholma, se je vse šele začelo. V bistvu smo bili na pol poti do naše končne destinacije – Lofotov. Ko sem pred odhodom bral o cesti proti severu, sem se je kar ustrašil. Glede na napisano stotine kilometrov brez žive duše, monotona pokrajina… Skratka beda oz. dolgčas za znoret. A je bila realnost popolnoma drugačna. Lepa pokrajina, ki je ne vidiš vsak dan, severni jeleni :), pa gozdovi polni borovnic… Edino, kar me je res motilo, so bili komarji. In teh je bilo res ogromno. Spodaj pa nekaj fotografij te monotone, nemogoče pokrajine. 🙂

When we got to Stockholm, it all just started. In fact we were halfway to our final destination – Lofoten islands. When I was reading about the trip north from Stockholm, I was really afraid. According to written on web forums hundreds of kilometers without a soul, monotonous landscape – real misery. But the reality was completely different. Beautiful landscape that you do not see every day, reindeers :), forests full of blueberries … The only thing that really bothered me were millions of mosquitoes. Below are some photos of this monotonous, boring landscapes. 🙂

