Mesta ponavadi niso visoko na spisku naših potovalnih želja. Smo pač družina, ki raje odkriva divje, neobljudene kotičke našega planeta, daleč stran od megalomanskih mest in vsega kar paše zraven. A potovanj brez mest pač ni – sploh če potuješ z letali.
V zadnjih letih pa smo kljub temu obiskali kar nekaj mest, ki so nas naravnost očarala. Med road tripom po ZDA smo bili naravnost navdušeni nad San Franciscom, na Portugalskem nad Portom in na Švedskem bi z veseljem podaljšali bivanje v Stockholmu. No, zadnja pridobitev pa je mesto Singapore, pravi “mali “azijski biser.
Vsi člani družine se strinjamo, da bi z veseljem preživeli daljše obdobje v tem čarobnem mestu. Na vsakem koraku smo bili navdušeni nad arhitekturo mesta, mešanico kultur in običajev ljudi, ki živijo v njem. Navdušeni smo bili nad odlično in poceni hrano, prelepimi parki in redom, ki vlada vsepovsod. In kljub temu, da nas je marsikdo pred obiskom strašil, da gre za najdražje mesto na svetu, se je na koncu izkazalo, da lahko mesto obiščeš tudi s precej praznimi žepi. 🙂 No, več o tem pa kmalu na našem popotniškem blogu www.familycoreladventures.com.
Cities are usually not high on our travel wish list. We just prefer to enjoy our free time outdoor in the nature, exploring hidden, wild corners of our planet. But sometimes, when you travel by planes, it is almost impossible to skip big cities.
In recent years, we have visited quite a few cities that were truly spectacular. During our road trip across the US, we were excited about San Francisco, in Portugal by Porto and in Sweden we would be more then happy to extend our stay in Stockholm. But the latest city that made a big impact on us was Singapore.
I have to say that we were all very excited about Singapore already before our arrival. And after our visit we can easily say that we would be more than happy to spend there a longer period of time. At each step, we were impressed by the architecture of the city, a mixture of cultures and traditions of the people living there. Its so easy to find great, cheap food, beautiful parks and even though its a huge city, everything is so clean and in order. And despite the fact that Singapore is the most expensive city in the world, you can visit it also with quite empty pockets. 🙂 But more about how to survive there with small budget, soon on our travel blog www.familycoreladventures.com.
In recent years, we have visited quite a few cities that were truly spectacular. During our road trip across the US, we were excited about San Francisco, in Portugal by Porto and in Sweden we would be more then happy to extend our stay in Stockholm. But the latest city that made a big impact on us was Singapore.
I have to say that we were all very excited about Singapore already before our arrival. And after our visit we can easily say that we would be more than happy to spend there a longer period of time. At each step, we were impressed by the architecture of the city, a mixture of cultures and traditions of the people living there. Its so easy to find great, cheap food, beautiful parks and even though its a huge city, everything is so clean and in order. And despite the fact that Singapore is the most expensive city in the world, you can visit it also with quite empty pockets. 🙂 But more about how to survive there with small budget, soon on our travel blog www.familycoreladventures.com.