Razglednica iz Gane – Cape Coast

Pisalo se je leto 2004, torej dobrih 13 let nazaj, ko sva se skupaj z Ano potikala po deželah zahodne Afrike. Mali, Gana, Burkina Faso, Togo. Uf, to so bili popotniški časi. 🙂 Divji, neizprosni a težko bolj pristni. Dobiti kakšne informacije pred potovanjem je bila ponavadi misija nemogoče – sploh če te je zaneslo v kakšne zabačene kraje. Bili so to časi, ko si bil vesel vsakega kolega popotnika – za družbo, da skupaj popiješ tisto toplo pivo ali coca colo in predvsem da izveš najnovejše informacije, kje spati, kje jesti in kaj si sploh pogledati. Priznam, da prav pogrešam tiste čase. No, in bili so to časi diapozitivov. 🙂 Marsikdo od mlajših niti ne ve o čem govorim, a diasi so bili enostavno zakon. Dragi za znoret, kupovali smo jih v sosednjem Trstu 🙂 in nikoli ni bilo dovolj denarja – pred potovanji za nakup, po potovanjih za razvijanje. 🙂 Pred dnevi sem se na tak zelo arhaičen način, kar s fotoaparatom v roki, lotil take zelo na easy preslikave diasov v moji kleti. Ogromno se jih je nabralo in škoda bi mi bilo, da bi šli v pozabo. Danes torej nekaj diasov z obale Gane, kjer kraljujeje bele trdnjave z zelo žalostno zgodovino – gre namreč za kraje, kjer so sužnji, ki so bili prepeljani v novi svet še zadnjič opazovali svojo rodno Afriko.

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It was the year 2004, so 13 years ago, and me and Ana were traveling around the countries of West Africa. Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo. Uf, traveling 14 years ago was a bit different then now.. 🙂 Wild, hard but rewarding. Getting any information before the trip was usually a mission impossible – especially if you chose to travel to some remote areas. In those years you were usually really happy when you met fellow traveler – to drink a warm beer or coca cola together and especially to find out the latest information about where to sleep, where to eat, and what to look at all. I have to admit that I really miss those times. And those were the days where we still used slide films. 🙂 Many of the younger ones do not even know what I’m talking about, but slide films ruled that time.  They were expensive, we bought them in neighbouring Trieste 🙂 and there was never enough money – before the journey to buy enough of them, after returning back to develop them. 🙂 A few days ago i tried to “scan” some of them in a very archaic way – with my camera in hand. So today I am publishing some photos from the Gold coast of Ghana, where you can find White Fortress with horrible history – these are the places, where the slaves were transported to the New World on the other side of the Atlantic ocean and the places, where they saw Africa for the last time. 

