Puškar kamelji market – Indija

Puškar  ali “Modri Lotusov Cvet” po sanskritu , romarsko mesto tako za Hindujce kot tudi za Sikhe, se je pojavil v našem programu praktično minuto pred začetkom potovanja. In kljub temu, da gre za simpatično mestece, ki leži ob jezeru Puškar, z mnogimi templji in ghati, to ni bil razlog našega obiska. V mestu smo preživeli 4 dni in obisk templjev in jezera je nekako ostal v ozadju. In to z razlogom. Vsako leto proti koncu oktobra oziroma na začetku novembra v mestu poteka kamelji market. Največji tovrstni market na svetu, ki praktično spremeni drugače kar zaspano mestece Puškar. Vse skupaj se začne že nekaj dni pred uradnim odprtjem marketa. Tiste dni so v ospredju predvsem trgovanja s kamelami, prihodi in odhodi kameljih karavan, izredno fotogenični domačini, vpleteni v barantanje, ogledovanje kamel… Skratka džumbus.:)  Po uradnem odprtju marketa pa pridejo na plan zabave in  razni nastopajoči vseh možnih oblik in dimenzij. 🙂 Nekaj praktičnih info o našem potovanju pa lahko preberete tukaj in tukaj.

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Pushkar or “Blue Lotus Flower” in Sanskrit, a pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Sikh, got on our itinerary list practically a minute before the start of our India trip. And despite the fact that it is a lovely little town lying around the Pushkar lake, with many temples and gaths, this was not the reason for our visit. Every year at the end of October or at the beginning of November there is a camel market in the city. The biggest camel market in the world, that totally changes the otherwise sleepy town of Pushkar. Everything starts a few days before the official opening of the market week. First days are mainly focused on camel trade, arriving of the camels and selling them, extremely photogenic locals involved in camel bargaining… 🙂 After the offcial opening of the market things change – camel herders go home and then it’s time to party and watch all kinds of artisans and performers. Some practical info about our trip here and here

