Posočje tako in drugače

Zadnji praznični vikend smo družinsko preživeli v dolini reke Soče. Ob pravem vremenu, sploh če pridete ob neprazničnem vikendu oziroma vikendu nasploh, so to verjetno najlepši konci, ki jih premore naša Slovenija. Ker je izbira naravnih lepot res velika in vsega enostavno ni možno stlačiti v 3 dni dopusta, smo najprej obiskali slap Sopota nedaleč stran od Tolmina, temu je sledil večerni obisk Javorce. Naslednji dan pohajkovanje ob Soči, obisk slapov Kozjak in Virje in izvira Gljuna, v nedeljo potikanje po dolini Bavšice in za konec, za piko na i, večerni vzpon na sedlo Mangrta. Narava, ki se je ne bi branili nikjer po svetu. So pa tudi stvari, ki niso vzor tem krajem in Triglavskemu narodnemu parku in bi bile drugje po svetu urejene bistveno drugače – sploh če vemo, da govorimo o vrhuncu turistične sezone.  Prevozil sem že kar nekaj nacionalnih parkov tako po Evropi kot tudi drugje po svetu, a le redko sem doživel to, kar sem doživel ta vikend – občutek, da se vozim po dirkališču Nurburgring, Silverstone ali kar vam je bližje. Nore vožnje voznikov na dveh in štirih kolesih, brez upoštevanja vsaj približne omejitve hitrosti, prehitevanja po levi, desni… Brez besed. Sledijo polomljene klopce in mize ob nekaterih počivališčih, prepolni koši smeti in smeti poleg njih, polomljeni smerokazi ob nekaterih pohodnih poteh, nepoznavanje krajev in njihovih značilnosti s strani nekaterih turističnih delavcev na navedenem področju… In še bi se dalo naštevati. In vse bi bilo OK, če ne bi na lastne oči videl in občutil, da je možno tudi drugače – a pri nas očitno žal ne.

Last weekend we were exploring the western part of our “big” country – Soča Valley. If you are lucky with the weather and if you don’t come on weekends, Soča valley is the most beautiful part of Slovenia. Since there are so many things to see and it’s impossible to squeeze everything in 3 days of holidays, we first visited Sopota waterfall not far away from Tolmin and after that, almost at the end of the day, the church Javorca. Next day it was time for exploring the banks of river Soča, visit fairytale waterfalls Kozjak and Virje and the source of Gljun stream. On Sunday – for the grand finale – we made an evening ascent to the Mangart. Overall, nature in its best glory.But there are also things that could or lets say should be managed better, from the Triglav national park authorities and municipalities in that area – especially because we are talking about the height of the tourist season. I visited a lot of national parks in Europe and elsewhere but I never experienced what I experienced this weekend – the feeling that I’m driving at the Nürburgring or lets say Silverstone. Crazy drivers on two and four wheels, overtaking on the left and right, obviously in a hurry, driving not even close to speed limits. I know that we slovenians are crazy drivers, but this was just too much. Then there were broken benches and tables, trash bins totally full of garbage and garbage around them, broken signs on the hiking trails, totally lack of knowledge of places and their characteristics by some tourism workers in that area … At the moments I was really sad, because I saw with my own eyes abroad, that things can be managed and organized differently – but unfortunately not in Slovenia.

