Porto, drugo največje mesto Portugalske, je prava paša za oči in brbončice. Če vprašate mene, gre zagotovo za eno izmed najbolj fotogeničnih mest v Evropi. Že sama lega ob Atlantiku mu da poseben čar, potem pa je tukaj še reka Douro, markantni mostovi, zanimive hiške in ulice in odlična hrana in pijača. Kdo pa ne pozna znamenitega portovca? Najboljša stvar pri tem pa je, da mesto sploh ni drago. Do Porta lahko letite z Ryanairom že iz bližnjih italijanskih mest, apartmaji prav tako niso dragi, če pa ste ljubitelji kampiranja, lahko kampirate le nekaj kilometrov iz strogega centra za le 12 EUR (3 osebe, elektrika, internet, vroča voda). Prvi dan je bil čas za obisk obale, sprehod ob reki Douro, uživanje v dogajanju na ulicah centra mesta in občudovanje zgradb, oblečenih s fantastičnimi modrimi mozaiki iz keramičnih ploščic.
Porto 1.del, Portugalska
Porto, the second largest city of Portugal, is a real Portugal beauty. If you ask me, this is certainly one of the most photogenic cities in Europe. First the Atlantic ocean, but then there’s also the river Douro, striking bridges, interesting houses and streets and excellent food and drink. Who does not know the famous port wine? The best thing about it is that its not expensive like some other European cities. You can fly to it from nearby Italian cities by Ryanair, apartments are also not expensive. If you are a fan of camping, you can camp just a few kilometers from the city center for only 12 euro (3 people, electricity, internet, hot water). The first day we scouted the beach area, walked along the river Douro, explored some narrow streets of the city center and were amazed by the buildings, dressed with fantastic blue mosaic tiles.