Včeraj bi moral biti lep, sončen, vroč poletni dan. Vsaj glede na koledar. Pa ni bil. Marsikje po Sloveniji je deževalo za znoret, a ne v Goriških Brdih. Tam je bilo skoraj poletno. In tudi če bi deževalo, bi se imel verjetno prav fajn. Ker včeraj, na poročni dan Tinke in Urha, je bilo zakon. Vse se je poklopilo. Brez panike, vrveža in zgubljanja živcev. V bistvu čista uživancija, tudi za mene. Tinkine priprave so potekale doma blizu Ljubljane, sledila je vožnja do kmetije Štekar v Goriških Brdih in potem je šlo zares. Obred je bil na prostem ob res izvrstnih vložkih glasbenikov iz Ljubljane, sledila je nora vožnja s terencem po brezpotjih Brd (šefi turizma so predlagali malo težje dostopno lokacijo za shooting), nore ideje T&U glede samega shootinga, pa dobra zabava, pa izvrstna hrana in potem, za konec, brezvezna vožnja domov. 🙂 Tinka in Urh, hvala glede včeraj. Želim vama še čim več lepih trenutkov, pa noro dobrih potovanj in sanjskih potopov, brez katerih ne gre očitno tudi v Gotiških Brdih – no, saj morje je bilo blizu. :):)
Yesterday should be sunny, hot summer day. Well at least according to the calendar. But it was not. In many places in Slovenia it rained like crazy but not in Goriška Brda. There was almost summer. And even if it rained yesterday, it would still be very nice. Because, the wedding day of Tinka and Urh was pure joy. Preparations of Tinka were held at her home near Ljubljana, followed by a trip to the Štekar place in Goriška Brda. And then the show began. The outdoor ceremony was simple but lovely, with really excellent contributions of musicians from Ljubljana. After that there was a crazy ride with the jeep over the hills of Goriška Brda (the bosses of tourism have suggested a location a little bit difficult to access for the shooting) and crazy idea of T & A on the actual shooting. In the evening there was a great party and great music thanks to DJ and at the end, useless ride back home. 🙂 Tinka and Urh, thank you for yesterday. I wish you as many happy moments and as many amazing trips to tropic locations. And according to yesterday also as many dream dives as possible – obviously you can not live without them. :):) And, yes, the sea was not so far away. 🙂 🙂