Poroka Tine in Uroša – Krkavče

Moram povedati, da sem pri vsakem projektu, sploh pa pri poročnih fotografiranjih kar malo živčen, ko v nedeljo, po delovni soboti, kopiram fotografije s foto kartic na računalnik in čakam, če je uspela kakšna res dobra fotografija. In včeraj, po poroki Tine in Uroša ni bilo nič drugače – kljub lepim detajlom, vrhunski lokaciji, dobremu vremenu, sproščenemu paru, nori zabavi. Priprave, poročni obred in zabava se je odvijala na res lepi lokaciji – posestvu “Kmečke gostilne Kortina Pri Matičku”. Za session smo si izbrali staro istrsko vas Krkavče in sosednji travnik in tudi tokrat ni šlo brez pripomočkov – na vrsti je bila “srfarska dila”. In za grand finale se je po torti še lepo ulilo – za peneze, za moker fotoaparat in zanimive fotke. 🙂 Ja, vama Tina in Uroš, pa želim še čim več presurfanih zalivov, G-spotov, shark bayov in vsega ostalega, kar sodi zraven. Uživajte.

I have to say that I am quite nervous on Sundays, after working Saturday, when I have to copy photos from a photo card to my computer and wait for final results. And yesterday, after the wedding of Tina and Uros was the same, even with such nice details, excellent location, good weather, relaxed couple, crazy party… Preparation, wedding ceremony and party took place at the really beautiful location – the “Kmečke gostilne Kortina Pri Matičku”. For the session we chose an old Istrian village Krkavče and the nearby meadow. And because Tina and Uroš are surfers we had to use some surfing equipment. And for grand finale, there was rain shower right after the wedding cake – good for T&U who will not have any money problems, not so good for my camera, but good for some interesting photos. Tina and Uros, I wish you as many as possible new surfing bays, G-spots, shark bays… Have fun.

