Prva prava poletna vroča sobota. In celo brez dežja. In spet nam ni bilo prav. 🙂 Kljub temu, da bi lahko bila stopinja ali dve manj, smo se imeli na poročni dan Špele in Gregorja prav fajn. Š&G poznam sedaj že nekaj let, pobliže pa smo se spoznali na družinskem fotkanju lansko leto. Dolgčas nam ni bilo lani in tudi letos se nista izneverila tradiciji. 🙂 Polno smeha in zabave, nekaj norih idej, lepe lokacije in sobote je bilo kmalu konec. Š&G, najprej vama želiva čim lepši dopust brez kakšnih pretiranih neviht in norega vetra. In da boste tudi v prihodnje tako fajn družba kot ste bili do sedaj. 🙂 Spodaj pa le nekaj fotk vajinega dne.
It was the first real hot summer Saturday this year. And unbeliveable, without any rain. And again we were not satisfied. 🙂 But even though it could be a little bit cooler, we had a great time on the wedding of Špela and Gregor. I know them for couple of years now but we spent some special hours together last year on a family photo session. It was definitely not boring last year and it was the same on the wedding day. Great locations, funny or sometimes a bit crazy couple 🙂 , their kid full of energy… S & G, first we wish you great summer holidays without any rain or horrible storms. It was great to be part of your wedding day and I hope that there will be oportunities again to be in your great company.