Poroka R+M, Jezersko in Krvavec

Če bi kdo pogledal zaročne in seveda še poročne fotografije R&M bi hitro ugotovil, da so gore definitvino del njune zgodbe. 🙂 In če smo se na zaročni dan v skoraj zimskih razmerah pojali po Krnici in Vršiču, smo poročni dan v poletnih temperaturah preživeli najprej v Tunjicah, kjer je potekal cerkveni obred, za session smo se odpeljali do Jezerskega, civilni obred in zabava pa sta se odvijala v gostilni Pod Krvavcem. Skratka še en vrhunski dan s super lokacijami, super družbo in nekaj tisoč fajn fotografij. 🙂 R&M, hvala za povabilo. 😉 In vse lepo vama želiva tudi v prihodnje.

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If you look at the engagement photos and, of course, photos of their wedding day, you quickly realize, that mountains are definitely part of story of R&M. 🙂 And if we were looking for great spots for engagement photos in Krnica valley and on pass Vršič, we photographed their wedding day in Tunjice (church ceremony), Jezersko, where we made long session and in “Pod Krvavcem” restaurant, where the civil ceremony and party were held. In short, another great wedding day with great locations and amazing company. 🙂 R & M, thanks for the invitation. 😉 And we wish you all the best in the future.

