Poroka Petre in Aleša, Hiša Lisjak

Kljub temu, da je letos vreme spet precej radoživo, 🙂 sva imela z Ano na poročne sobote še kar srečo. OK, deževalo je med sessionom dobre tri tedne nazaj, vse ostalo pa je bila prava poezija. 🙂 No, pred dobrim tednom dni je bilo sreče bolj malo, tako z vremenom kot tudi drugje. 🙂 Prvi del poročnega dne P&L se je odvijal v Moravčah, kjer so potekale priprave, cerkevni obred in session nedaleč stran. Da pa dan ne bi bil “dolgočasen” oz. vsaj malo napet, je bilo nadaljevanje precej turbolentno. 🙂 Začelo se je z bliskanjem in dežjem na ruševinah Medijskega gradu, sledila je najina prometna nesreča tik pred civilnim obredom in za piko na i še civilni obred na prostem – v pravem poletnem nalivu, na trati Hiše Lisjak. 🙂 A kljub vsem tem prigodam je bil poročni dan P&A res simpatičen, poln pozitivne energije in vsega kar paše zraven. Predvsem pa je bilo lepo opazovati P&L, ki se kljub majhnim nevšečnostim nista pustila prav nič motiti. 🙂 Spodaj le nekaj fotografij, nekajkrat več pa v knjigi, ko se dokončno prebijem še čez tistih nekaj 1000 fotk.

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Even though we have again very turbulent weather in this summer months in Slovenia, we were still very lucky with it on our wedding days. OK, we had a rain shower 3 weeks ago during photo session, but the rest was picture perfect. 🙂 But 10 days ago it was a bit different story.  🙂 The first part of P & L’s wedding day took place in Moravče, where preparations, church ceremony and the photo session took place. The weather was nice and everything was perfect. But after, that things got a little bit more interesting. 🙂 It started with rain and thunderstorms on Medijski castle, then we had a car accident just minutes before civil ceremony and it ended with perfect summer rainy outdoor civil ceremony on the lawn of the Lisjak House. 🙂 And despite all these things, the P & A wedding day was really nice and full of positive energy. And it was really nice just to watch P&L, who didn’t bother with rain at all. It was truly their perfect day. Below I am publishing just couple of photos, but there will be many more in upcoming photo book – when I finally check couple of more 1000 photos.

