Vsako leto poleti imam občutek, da mi nikakor ne bo uspelo pregledati in urediti goro fotografij, ki me čakajo iz različnih fotografiranj. Tisoče in tisoče fotografij, pregledovanje, delanje končnih izborov… Zamudna stvar. Ja, te plati fotografskega dela ljudje ponavadi ne poznajo. Fotografije poročnega dne N&U so prišle na vrsto tako šele sedaj. Celotni poročni dan N&U se je odvijal na Dolenjskem – priprave in zabava v Vili Otočec, civilni obred pa kar na Otočcu samem. Nataša in Urban, vama oz. vajini mladi družini želiva vse lepo tudi v prihodnje. Spodaj pa nekaj utrinkov iz precej vročega poletnega dne.
Every summer I have a feeling that I will never be able to review and edit all the photos that are waiting for me from different shootings. Viewing thousands and thousands of photos, doing the final selections … it takes a lot of time. People usually don’t know about this part of photography work. This is also the reason I am publishing the wedding photos of N & U just now. The entire wedding day of N & U was held in Dolenjska – preparations and party in Vila Otočec, the civil ceremony in front of the picturesque Otočec castle. Urban and Nataša, to you and your young family we wish all the best in the future. And below some photos from a hot, sunny day.