Poroka M+R, Vila Istenič, Bizeljsko

Kljub temu, da preživiva z Ano vsako leto kar nekaj sobot na različnih poročnih slavjih po Sloveniji, pa je bilo tistih nedelovnih porok, kjer je v ospredju predvsem žur, fotografija pa le na stranskem tiru, v zadnjih letih res malo. OK, glede letošnje sezone se ne pritožujeva prav nič, a koruzništva je v najini družbi še kar nekaj. 🙂 No, pred dobrim tednom dni je bila zgodba na srečo drugačna. Na posestvu Vile Istenič na Bizeljskem se je odvijala poroke najboljše sestre, svakinje, tete in seveda njenega prav fajn izbranca. 🙂 Fotoaparat je bil v mojih rokah le med pripravami in kratkim sessionom, vse ostalo pa je bilo v domeni drugega fotografa. In še sreča, ker poročno žuriranje ni nikakor kompatibilno s kakšnim “ornk” fotografiranjem. 🙂  🙂

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Even though we spend quite a lot of Saturdays each year photographing on weddings around Slovenia,  there were just couple of them, where we were guests and photography was in second plan. OK, we are not complaining about this year but there are still too many of our friends who are simply unmarried. 🙂 Well, but a week ago, it was a different story. On the property of Villa Istenič in Bizeljsko, the best sister, sister in law, aunty and of course her fiance got married. The camera was in my hands only during preparation and during a short session, everything else was in the domain of another photographer. And that was good because in my case wedding photography is just not really compatible with all those full glasses of sparkling wine and dancing all night long. 🙂 

Aja, če kdo še ne ve – poroke so kar fajn. 🙂  😉

