Ne morem verjeti, kolikokrat me je v zadnjih letih pot zanesla v vipavsko dolino in Goriška Brda. In očitno bo tako tudi v naslednjem letu. In glede tega se sploh ne pritožujem. Prav nasprotno, vsaka pot je prava uživancija. Zadnji obisk Goriške je bil povezan s poroko Mateje in Vanje. Spoznali smo se že pred meseci in ko sta me nekaj tednov pred poroko obvestila, da se bo poročni obred po novem odvijal kar na domačem vrtu, sem vedel, da bo poroka nekaj posebnega. In je tudi bila. Torej, obred za domačo hišo, na res idilični lokaciji, zabava le kakšen kilometer stran v Medani. In vse skupaj prava paša za oči. No, edino kar me je pa res motilo, je bila vročina tam okrog 40 stopinj in vabljiva modrina non stop prisotnega bazena. 🙂 Mateja in Vanja, želim vama čim več nepozabnih, skupnih doživetij.
I can not believe how many times I was in the last years in the Vipava Valley and Goriška Brda. And it looks that it is going to be the same also in the next year. And I really dont complain about that. 🙂 On the contrary, each visit was pure joy. Last visit in Goriška Brda was associated with the wedding of Mateja and Vanja. We have met couple of months ago and when they called me couple of weeks before the wedding and said, that the wedding ceremony will take place in the garden behind their house, I knew, that it is going to be something special. And it really was. So the ceremony took place in the garden behind their house, on a truly idyllic location. The party was just a kilometer away in Medana. Well, the only thing that made me some problems was the heat around 40 degrees and a blue colour of the nearby swimming pool:) Believe me, really tempting. 🙂 Mateja and Vanja, I wish you as many nice moments in the future as possible.