Tudi če bi v soboto padale “ušpičene prekle” ali pa še kaj hujšega, to ne bi imelo vpliva na poročni dan Mance in Mirana. Bil je to fantastičen dan v Novem mestu in z Ano sva uživala 100 na uro. Od začetka do konca. Pa naj mi še kdo po tej soboti reče, da so poroke “čist mem” 🙂 Ker sta en “DA” izrekla že pred meseci v Las Vegasu, je bil sedaj na vrsti le cerkveni obred in zabava. Najprej so bile tako na vrsti priprave, potem cerkveni obred v Kapitlju v Novem mestu in potem zabava na prostem na idilični lokaciji tik ob Novem mestu. Ja, vmes pa še photo session v dežju – vremenarji temu pravijo poletne plohe, jaz pa “da ščije za znoret”. Posebni so užitki, ko v eni roki držiš fotoaparat, v drugi največji dežnik, ki ga najdeš, kljub temu pa ti še vedno lepo curlja po hrbtu. No, kljub vremenskim nevšečnostim, ki bi marsikoga vrgle iz tira, pa sta M&M poskrbela, da je bil vse skupaj en velik žur. Za žur, ki je sledil večerji, pa lahko rečem le, da kaj takega ne vidiš vsako leto. Bend “Greg in Domine” – kapo dol. Glasba je bila vrhunska – plesalci temu primerni. 🙂 M&M, hvala še enkrat, da sva bila del vajine zgodbe. 🙂
It was an amazing wedding day on this Saturday in Novo mesto. When I look back now I think, that there was no way that rain or something else can ruin it. Manca and Miran made sure that it was all one big party, full of positive energy. Because they said one “I do” couple of months ago in Las Vegas, there was just church ceremony and party on Saturday. First we took some photos of preparations at their home, then it was time for the church ceremony in Novo mesto and after that party in idyllic location next to the Novo mesto. And between amazing rainy photo session – at the weather forecast they said summer showers but if you ask me if was raining like hell. 🙂 Despite all that rain and not really summer temperatures, everything ran smooth. And for the party that followed the dinner I can only say that you dont see this very often. 🙂 Music bend was just superb and because of them also all the guests. M & M, thank you again for letting us be part of your story.