Poroka Keyle in Matije – Škrabčeva domačija, Ugar
Vse je enkrat prvič. Bila je to prva poroka v nobl “seniku” na posestvu Ugar pri Ribnici. Bila je poroka, na kateri so bili kar 4 pari, katerih poroke sem fotografiral v prejšnjih letih – da ne govorim o ogromnem številu ostalih poznanih ljudi. In bilo je prvič, da je foto session na željo para potekal v vodnem okolju. 🙂 Ja, spet nam ni bilo dolgčas. 🙂 Vroča sobota se je začela s pripravami Keyle in Matije, sledil je cerkveni obred na idilični Škrabčevi domačiji, cerkveni na Novi Štifti in zabava na posestvu Ugar v Ribnici. Vmes pa še nepozaben, moker photo session. Všeč mi je, ko pari razmišljajo malo drugače in izrazijo željo po nečem novem, posebnem, nenavadnem. Ko sta Keyla in Matija predlagala session na njuni izbrani lokaciji, z vesli v rokah in kanujem pod ritjo, sem bil takoj za – sploh ker so bili obljubljeni še visoki ribiški škornji. Na žalost je bilo na koncu časa res malo in marsikatero neumnost smo morali pustiti za kdaj drugič. Matija, hvala za zakrpane škornje. :):):) Zanimivi so bili občutki, ko sem s fotoaparatom stal sredi vode, fotografiral in še užival v občutkih, ko je mrzla voda počasi polnila desni ribiški škorenj. 🙂 K&M, želiva vama vse naj naj v vajinem skupnem živlejnju..
It was the first wedding in a fancy “barn” on the estate Ugar in Ribnica. It was a wedding where there were 4 couples whose weddings I photographed in previous years. And it was the first time that the photo session took place on the river – on behalf of Keyla and Matija. Yes, again we were not bored at all. 🙂 It was a hot saturday and all began with Keyla and Matija preparations. After that it was time for the civil ceremony at the Škrabec estate, then church ceremony in Nova Štifta and crazy party at the Ugar Estate in Ribnica. And before the party we had an unforgettable, crazy, wet photo session at the nearby river. I like it when couples think a little differently and want something new, special, unusual. When Keyla and Matija suggested session at their chosen location, with paddles in their hands and canoe under them, I was immediately for it – especially because they promised high fishing boots. We had a great time but unfortunately there was so little time that we had to skip so many crazy ideas. But nevertheless, thanks Matija for the patched fishing boots. 🙂 🙂 🙂 It was really interesting standing in the middle of the river with my camera in the hand and feeling all that water, slowly dripping in my left boot. 🙂 K & M, we wish you all the best.