Poroka Katja in Domen – Predvor

Evo, pa je zaključena sezona poročne fotogafije 2012. In zaključila se je tako kot je treba – z eno dobro, malce odštekano (v dobrem smislu) poročno soboto. Že ko sem prvič srečal Katjo in Domna sem vedel, da to ne bo tista tipična, običajna poročna sobota. In priznam, da se nisem motil. Za sessione sta si lokacije izbrala kar sama. Tako smo se po pripravah najprej podali v kranjski bazen, potem v mobilne “bajte”, sledil je civilni in cerkveni obred, potem pa nora zabava v odlični restavraciji “Cubis”. Vrhunska hrana in pijača, zraven pa še odlična muska benda “Blow up”. A rabiš za dober večer še kaj?! Katja in Domen, vse super v prihodnje.

The wedding season of 2012 is completed. And it ended as it should – with one good, a little crazy (in a good way) wedding day. When I first met Katja and Domen I knew that this will not be the typical, normal wedding day. And I admit that I was not wrong. They chose location for the session by themselves. So, after the preparations we headed to the pool in Kranj, then to the “mobile houses”. After that civil and church ceremony and then a crazy party in the excellent restaurant “Cubis”. Top food and drink, combined with the excellent group “Blow up”. Do you need anything more for a good evening?! Katja and Domen, I wish you everything great in the future.

