Poroka J&R, Novo mesto, Hotel Dolenjc

Zadnja dva vikenda sem imel kljub nori vremenski napovedi res srečo. V soboto so bili nevihtni oblaki na primorskem praktično kamorkoli si pogledal, dežja pa na srečo od nikoder. Vikend nazaj, na poročnem dnevu J&R, pa je bilo vreme kot iz pravljice. 🙂 V Novem mestu sem v zadnjih letih fotografiral že kar nekaj porok in rad se vračam v tiste konce. Fajn ljudje, lepe lokacije, skratka ni dolgčasa. 🙂 Cerkveni obred J&R je potekal na Kapitlju v Novem mestu, civilni in zabava pa v Hotelu Dolenjc. J&R, želiva vama vse lepo na vajini skupni poti. In čim bolj izkoristite tople dni na vaši trenutni lokaciji. 😉

* * *

I was really lucky with the weather on last two weekends. On Saturday, where I was photographing wedding on Slovenian coast, there was no rain even though there were stormy clouds everywhere. A week back, on a wedding day of J&R, the weather was even better – it was like one of those amazing summer days. Every year i have couple of weddings in Novo mesto and surroundings and its always great to go there. People are great and there you can find some really amazing locations. Church ceremony of J&R was held at the main church Kapitelj in Novo mesto. The civil ceremony and party was organised in Hotel Dolenjc not far away. J & R, we wish you all the best on your new journey. And enjoy 100% those warm days at your current location. 😉

