Poroka Jasmine in Andreja – Škofja Loka

Še pred nekaj meseci sem mislil, da bo poročne sezone konec že v oktobru. A potem je bila proti koncu novembra najprej na vrsti poroka Milly in Sema v Švici, pred dnevi pa še poroka Jasmine in Andreja. In tudi ta je bila nekaj posebnega – kdaj pa še vidite, da se mladoporočenca vozita naokrog z ratrakom!?!?! 🙂  J&A sta si, kljub temu, da prihajata iz Novega mesta, za lokacijo obreda izbrala Škofjo loko, zabava pa je potekala v gorski koči na Starem Vrhu. Če odmislim katastrofalno vreme, meglo, ki bi jo lahko rezal in pa vrhunsko svetlobo dneva – no ja, če temu sploh lahko rečeš dan, je bilo ostalo super. J&A, polna pozitivne energije, sta se obnašala pred fotoaparatom kot da se fotografirata vsak drugi dan. 🙂 In da ne govorim o Jasmini – 8. mesec nosečnosti in toliko energije. Samo kapo dol. J&A, all the best. 🙂

In October I thought that the wedding season is over. But then there was a wedding of Milly and Sem in Switzerland at the end of November and few days ago it was time for Jasmina and Andrej’s wedding. And their wedding day was also something special – when did you see the newlyweds riding in a snowcat!?!?! 🙂 Despite the fact that they come from Novo mesto, J&A chose Škofja Loka for their wedding ceremony and the party was held in mountain hut at Stari Vrh. Leaving aside the catastrophic weather, fog, and bad day light, the rest of the day was great. J&A were full of positive energy and in front of the camera they behave like they are photographed every day. 🙂 And not to mention Jasmina – 8 month of pregnancy and so much energy. Just unbelievable. 🙂 J&A all the best in the future. 🙂

