Poroka Janje in Janeza – Gostilna Rakar


Poročna sezona v letu 2014 se počasi bliža koncu. Pri jesenskih porokah sva imela do letos z vremenom ponavadi precej smole. Dež, megla in nizke temperature niso stvari, ki bi jih rad povezoval s poročnim dnem. No, letos je zgodba druga. Včerajšnja sobota je bila že skoraj poletna, vreme pa je sodelovalo tudi na poroki Janje in Janeza. Vse se je odvijalo na Dolenjskem. Priprave v Ribnici in v Trebnjem, cerkveni obred na Lanšprežu, civilni obred in poročno slavje pod taktirko skupine Jamm pa pri Rakarju v Trebnjem. Janja in Janez, želim vama vse lepo in da se vama čim prej uresniči tista skupna želja o toplih krajih – no, priprave imata ta trenutek dobre. 🙂

Wedding season in 2014 is slowly coming to an end. In last years we were not really lucky with the autumn weddings. Rain, fog and low temperatures are not things that you would like to connect with the wedding date. Well, this year is another story. Weather yesterday was almost, well even better than in the summer time, but the weather was not bad also on Janja and Janez wedding day. It all took place in Dolenjska region. Preparations took place in Ribnica and Trebnje, church ceremony at Lanšprež, civil ceremony and wedding party at the Rakar restaurant in Trebnje.  Janja and Janez, congratulations again. We wish you that you will soon realize that wish about tropical, warm place – well your preparations right now are in the right way. 🙂


