Evo, poletje je že za nami, poročna sezona pa se počasi tudi že približuje koncu. Pred mano je še nekaj vikendov uživanja na terenu in nekaj več ob sedenju za računalnikom. 🙂 Tistih nekaj 10.000 fotk/teden je enkrat treba pregledati. 🙂 Letošnje vreme je bilo res za v učbenike in takšno je bilo tudi na poročni dan Aleksandre in Janeza. Letos tretjič sva se tako podala v Novo mesto in uživala v dobri družbi, lepem ambientu – vmes pa naredila še fotko ali dve. 🙂 Cerkevni obred je potekal v Novem mestu, civilni in zabava pa na Vili Otočec. A&J, uživajta oz. uživajte tako še naprej. 🙂
Summer months are behind us and the wedding season is also slowly coming to the end. We still have couple of wedding saturdays working in the field and then a few more weeks sitting at the computer and reviewing couple of 10,000 photos made in a week. 🙂 This year the weather was really like in a textbook and it was the same on the wedding day of Aleksandra and Janez. It was the third time this year that we were photographing a wedding in Novo mesto, in good company, surrounded with great atmosphere. 🙂 The church ceremony took place in Novo mesto, the civil ceremony and the party after that in Vila Otočec. A & J, have fun. And all the best to all 3 of you. 🙂