Poroka A&A – Brdo pri Kranju, Mihovec

Evo, pa je odprta že deveta sezona poročne fotografije. In to na 1. april. 🙂 🙂 Čas res leti in še kako dobro se spomnim moje prve poroke – kot da je bila leto nazaj. Kljub očitnemu staranju in že skoraj zasluženi penziji 🙂 🙂 pa so mi poroke še vedno super zabavna stvar. In v soboto ni bilo nič drugače. Vreme je bilo naravnost fantastično in če bi mi kdo kdaj omenjal podobno vreme na omenjeni datum bi mu rekel, naj se pač neha hecat. 🙂 Poročni dan A&A je bil tako v znamenju že skoraj poletnih temperatur, odlične kulinarike in lepih lokacij. Civilni obred je potekal na prostem na Račjem otoku na posestva Brdo pri Kranju, kratek photo session smo izvedli nekaj dreves stran, zabava pa je potekala v gostilni Mihovec v Pirničah pri Ljubljani.  A&A čestitke še enkrat in kar tako naprej. 😉

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Here it is – the opening of our ninth wedding season. And we started the year 2017 on April the first. 🙂 🙂 Time is really flying and I am still remembering the first wedding as it was a year ago. But despite being almost ready to retire, 🙂 I am still enjoying so much when photographing weddings. And this Saturdays wedding was no different. The weather was simply fantastic and it was hard to believe that we are still at the beginning of April. Wedding day of A & A was marked by the almost summer temperatures, excellent cuisine and beautiful locations. Civil ceremony was held at Brdo Estate near Kranj, the party at Restaurant Mihovec in Pirniče near Ljubljana. A & A congratulations once again. 😉

