Poročna fotoknjiga

Ponudnikov fotoknjig je res ogromno. Že v Sloveniji jih prodajajo skoraj da že v vsaki trgovini, če pa prišteješ še ponudnike iz tujine, ti kmalu ni več nič jasno. Že pred časom sem zaradi slabih izkušenj v Sloveniji začel uporabljati tuje ponudnike fotoknjig. Ne vem, ali sem imel le smolo, a celotna ponudba, predvsem pa odzivnost oz. celoten odnos s strankami je bil pri tujcih bistveno boljši. Osebno za družinsko rabo že nekaj časa uporabljam “Blurb”. O knjigah Blurb sem že pisal, zato bom še enkrat povedal le to, da ponujajo cenovno ugodne in kvalitetne izdelke. Pri poročnih projektih pa sedaj že kar nekaj časa uporabljam storitve Graphistudia, v letošnjem letu pa sem sprobal tudi fotoknjige portugalskega podjetja Floricolor. O obeh ponudnikih lahko govorim le v superlativih. Spodaj pa nekaj fotk izbranih fotoknjig.

There are so many different photobooks on the market, that its really hard to find a book, that suites all your needs. In Slovenia you can buy them almost in every shop and when you add also photobooks from abroad… Its just too much. Because of the bad experiences I had in Slovenia, I started buying photobooks abroad. I do not know whether I just had bad luck, but the entire offer, responsiveness and entire relationship with customers was significantly better with foreign companies. For our family trips I use Blurb books now for years. About the Blurb books I wrote a post before. I’ll just say again that they offer really affordable and quality products. For my wedding projects I use for some time now services of the company Graphistudio and Floricolor. For both providers I can only speak in superlatives. Amazing products, top quality… And below are some photos of the selected photobooks.

