Poročna fotografija 2011

Vsako leto, ponavadi decembra, objavim post s kratkim filmčkom poročnih fotk tistega leta. Težko rečem, da gre za najboljše, saj objavim tudi nekaj takih, ki jih do sedaj nisem. Gre bolj za naključno izbrane fotke, ki so me pritegnile ob izdelavi filma. No, letos se je stvar malo zavlekla, zato film objavljam šele danes.

Leto 2011 je bilo za mene leto nepozabnih poročnih dni. Zakaj nepozabnih? Najprej zaradi poročnih parov samih. Super smo se imeli in všeč mi je, da sem z marsikaterimi ostal v rednih stikih. Imeli smo sončne, vroče dni, tudi takrat, ko to res nismo pričakovali, bilo pa je tudi nekaj precej mokrih dni, pri katerih sem zaradi živcev verjetno izgubil kar nekaj dni svojega življenja. 🙂 Svatje, poročne lokacije in vse ostale malenkosti so dodale le piko na i celotni zgodbi leta 2011. Na koncu bi izkoristil to priložnost in se še enkrat zahvalil vsem mladoporočencem za zaupanje, ki ste mi ga izkazali s tem, da sem bil lahko zraven pri enem izmed najlepših dogodkov vašega življenja. To mi pomeni res veliko.

Every year, usually in December, I publish a post with a wedding slideshow movie. It is hard to say that it includes the best photos, photos are selected randomly and they were picked out just when I was doing a selection. Well, this year has delayed things a bit, so I am publishing it today.

The year 2011 was amazing for me, regarding wedding days. Why so amazing? First, because of the wedding couples themselves. We had a great time together and it is great that we stayed in touch with many of them. We had sunny, hot days, even when we really did not expect it, but we also had quite a few wet days, when all the lost nerves probably cost me a few days of my life. 🙂 Wedding guests, wedding locations and all the other little things were only the icing on the cake of the whole story in 2011. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity again and thank all the newlyweds for the trust you’ve shown me and that I could take part on one of the most beautiful days of your life. It really means a lot to me.

Glasba: The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition in Snow Patrol – Life-ning

