Ponudnikov poročnih foto knjig je na trgu res ogromno. Eden izmed njih, ki ga uporabljam sedaj že kar nekaj časa, je podjetje Graphistudio. Sinonim za kvalitetne izdelke, hitre roke izdelave in odlično komuniciranje s strankami – skratka brez pripomb. V drugi polovici letošnjega leta so na trg poslali nov model poročne foto knjige – “Young book”. Gre za neverjetno dodelan projekt, ki nudi nam fotografom ter tudi poročnim parom samim ogromno različnih možnosti končnega izgleda foto knjige. Na voljo so res zanimivi materiali in praktično vse barve barvnega spektra. Poljubno se izbirajo barve ter materiali za škatlo, v kateri se knjiga nahaja, isto velja za naslovnico knjige, notranjost škatle ter barvo okrasnega traku. Notranjost knjjig je tako kot pri ostalih njihovih modelih poročnih knjig izdelan iz kvalitetnega foto papirja. Včasih, ko s pari dokončno izbiramo končno podobo knjige imam občutek, da je izbire že kar preveč. 🙂 Spodaj pa nekaj fotografij zadnjih modelov “young book” mojih poročnih parov – domišljija nima meja. 🙂
Poročna foto knjiga
There are really so many different wedding books on the market. One of them, which I use now for quite some time, is the company Graphistudio. For me, synonim for amazing quality and excellent communications with costumers. In the second half of this year, they published new product – “Young book” wedding book. Its really an interesting project that offers us (wedding photographers) as well as to the wedding couples many different options of the final look of the photo book. First, there are some new, really interesting materials and you can choose virtually from all the colors of the color spectrum. You can choose colors and materials for the box in which the book is placed, the same goes for the cover of the book, inside of the box and the color of the ribbon. The interior of the book is the same as in the other Graphistudio wedding books – high quality photo paper. Sometimes, when I am working with couples on the final outlook of the book, I feel, that there is maybe just to many different options. 🙂 Below are some photos of recent “young book” wedding books, made for my wedding couples – you can see that imagination has no limits. 🙂