Popoldanska tura na Veliki Zvoh – Krvavec, Slovenija

Dokler je dan še kolikor toliko dolg, je treba izkoristiti tudi kakšno popoldne po šolskih obveznostih. Če ljubljančani skočijo običajno na Šmarno goro, Kamničani na Sveti Primož, glede na povedano lokalci na Gorenjskem skočijo ponavadi na Veliki Zvoh. In ker je bila vremenska napoved skoraj božanska, sva se odločila za popoldansko turo na Veliki Zvoh na Krvavcu. Običajno sem bil v teh koncih s smučkami, pa še to dobrih 20 let nazaj, ko sem jih odložil v kot. Po 20 letih so razgledi še vedno prav fajn, strmina tudi in tale popoldanska tura na Veliki Zvoh se je pokazala tudi kot prava tura za razmigati stare kosti. 🙂 🙂

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Day time is getting shorter and shorter but right now its still possible to squeeze an afternoon hike after school day. If the people of Ljubljana usually jump on Šmarna gora, the people of Kamnik on Sveti Primož, according to what has been said, the locals around Kranj area usually jump on Veliki Zvoh. And since the weather forecast was almost divine, we decided for an afternoon tour to Veliki Zvoh on Krvavec. I used to be in these parts with my skis, and that was a good 20 years ago when I put them in the corner. After 20 years, the views are still just fine, the slope too, and this afternoon tour to Velika Zvoh proved to be the right tour to shake old muscles. 🙂 🙂

