Po soteski Corrieshalloch in malo naokrog, Škotska
Na poti na sever Škotske smo kmalu spoznali, da v tistih koncih ne potrebuješ kakšnega posebnega seznama naravnih znamenitosti. Enostavno slediš cesti, se ustavljaš vsakih nekaj kilometrov in z odprtimi usti opazuješ delo mati narave. O soteski Corrieshalloch nismo vedeli ničesar. Bila je le na naši poti in lepa tabla z zanimivim napisom nas je usmerila na parkirišče nedaleč stran. Krajši pohod, ki je sledil, je bil spet naravnost fantastičen, sploh zaradi jesenskih barv, ki so dale soteski še poseben pečat. In teh krajših pohodov na poti proti severu se je v naslednjih dneh nabralo res kaj nekaj. Včasih smo tako zatavali v čaroben srednjeveški borov gozd, drugič smo sledili vaški reki. Noro, že sedaj pogrešam tiste konce. 🙂
On the way to the north of Scotland, we soon realized that you dont need any detail plans or special lists what natural attractions to visit. You just simply have to follow the road, stop every few kilometers and enjoy in mothers nature creation. We didn’t know anything about Corrieshalloch gorge. We just saw the sign with an interesting name and followed it. And after a short hike we found this amazing gorge that was even more beautiful because of all that autumn colours everywhere. And in days that followed we did so many unplanned hikes – sometimes we wandered trough ancient pine forest, the next day we just followed a fairytale river. Man, I am already missing those amazing places. 🙂