Po poteh Winnetouja do kanjona Zrmanja

Prvomajski prazniki naj bi bili v znamenju Kornatov. A ker je bila vremenska napoved zelo slaba, smo jih prestavili in odšli nedaleč stran – v zaledje Zadra, v kanjon reke Zrmanje in njene okolice. V kraje, ki so zaradi svojih naravnih danosti služili tudi kot kulisa pri snemanju filmskih različic knjig Karla Maya Winnetou. Sama pot proti jugu je bila deževna in nič kaj obetavna. In da bi vsaj malo razbili monotono, počasno vožnjo po avtocestah, smo se podali na izlet čez prelaz “Mali Alan”, ki kraljuje visoko v južnem Velebitu. In če odmislimo vse tiste grozeče table “Pozor mine”, ki jih je na stotne v tistih koncih in vse nagrobne spomenike, ki te opominjajo na vojne grozote, ki so se dogajale še ne dolgo nazaj, je pokrajina res fascinantna. Pot od Malega Alana proti Obrovcu je minila v dežju in vožnji ob velikanskem, očitno še nerazminiranem področju, ki leži tik ob glavni prometni žili proti Zadru. In vse skupaj ni bilo prav nič prijetno. Prva dva dneva smo tako kampirali v res idiličnem kampu “Restaurant slapovi Zrmanje”, ki leži že po imenu sodeč tik ob res ogleda vrednih slapovih. 🙂 In da bi bilo vse skupaj še bolj kičasto, je prvi večer tik ob sončnem zahodu za le nekaj minut v močnem nalivu posijalo še sonce – ja, včasih res rabiš srečo da narediš dobro fotko. 🙂


For spring holidays we have planned to go sea kayaking to Kornati NP. But since the weather forecast for that area was very bad, we decided to go not far away – to the canyon of river Zrmanja and its surroundings near Zadar (couple of decades ago they used this area as a place, where they filmed the movie Winnetou – the original book written by Karl May). The weather was really horrible on our way to the south and to make it a little less monotonous, we did a detour over the pass “Mali Alan,” high on the southern Velebit. And if we ignore all those horrible signs “Caution mines” and all the gravestones, that remind us of the horrors of the war, that took place not so long ago, the landscape was really fascinating. All the way to Obrovac it was raining and the drive was really not pleasant – there were just huge areas of minefields all around us. The first two days we camped in a really idyllic camp “Restaurant Zrmanja waterfalls”, that is situated right next to really amazing waterfalls. And on the first evening we witnessed an amazing display of nature – in the middle of rain shower the sun showed for a moment and the landscape in front of us became surreal. 🙂

