Pejmo se sankat – Ljubelj

Zadnje čase si gripa in ostale viroze samo podajajo kljuko v naši hiši. Za znoret. Prejšni teden pa sem tako pod virusi padel še jaz. In ko smo bili končno spet na nogah, smo se včeraj podali na Ljubelj – daleč najboljše sankališče v “bližini” naše hiške. Če je bilo vreme v Lj pomladansko, je bilo 30 minut bolj severno precej bolj zimsko. Novozapadli sneg, prave temperature in idilična zimska kulisa. In če ne veste kam za konec tedna, ko bo snega še več – Ljubelj je definitivno pravi naslov za premigat kosti. 🙂

Well, lately my family is not really in the best shape – flu and other viruses are just coming and coming. The last week it was my turn. But at the weekend we were already OK – and so we drove 30 minutes from Ljubljana – to the Ljubelj pass. This is probably the best place around us to go sledding. When we were at home, we still had a feeling that spring is almost here. But at Ljubelj the story was different. New snow, winter temperatures – well, the right conditions for sledding.  And if you do not know where to go this weekend, when there will be even more snow – Ljubelj is definitely the right place for shaking your bones a little bit. 🙂


