Pred točno dvema letoma nas je pot zanesla tudi na Sumatro, Indonezija. In če smo si pred potjo še govorili, da se pustimo presenetiti, je bilo potovanje na koncu nad vsemi pričakovanji. Ugodno, 🙂 raznoliko, okusna hrana, fajn ljudje, pester živalski svet in res malo turistov. Točno dve leti sem potreboval, da sem končno skupaj na hitro vrgel nekaj videov s tega potiovanja 🙂 In če slučajno iščete konce v JV Aziji, ki so mogoče te dni še malo odmaknjeni od ustaljenih turističnih poti, so to prave lokacije za vas.
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Exactly two years ago, we were traveling around Sumatra, Indonesia. And if we didn’t have big expectations before our trip, we were totally positively surprised after the end of it. Budget friendly, diverse, delicious food, nice people, amazing wildlife and not so many tourists. I needed two years to finally put together some of the videos from this trip. 🙂 And if you search for the places in Southeast Asia, that are still away from tourists crowds, these are the right locations for you.