Ko smo se zvečer v popolni temi vozili na vrh Quiraing-a in nato parkirali za nočno spanje na makadamski zaplati ob edini cesti na vrh, se niti nismo zavedali, kakšni so razgledi levo ali desno od nas. Takrat smo bili navdušeni le nad popolnoma jasnim nebom in milijonom zvezd, ki so visele nad našo spalnico. Potem pa je prišlo jutro in od navdušenja smo kar skakali. Dobesedno. Pa ne samo zaradi razgledov, temveč tudi zaradi ekstremno nizkih temperatur tisto jutro. 🙂 🙂 No, po krašjem pohodu in občudovanju noro lepe pokrajine pa smo se počasi odpravili naprej. Po cesti, ki poteka po severnem delu otoka Skye smo se s postanki skoraj na vsakem ovinku počasi peljali do naše naslednje destinacije – svetilnika Neist Point. A greh bi bil, da bi dodal te fotke že v ta post – več o tem pa v naslednjem postu.
When we were driving in complete darkness to the top of Quiraing and then parked there for overnight, we didn’t know yet what was around us. That night we were amazed just by the millions of stars over our sleeping van. Then came the morning and we were speechless. Literally. The landscape is truly spectacular and we could stay there for hours. But after short hike around the cliffs we left the area and drove over the northern part of the Skye island on the way to the Neist Point Lighthouse. But it would be just too much to publish in this post also photos from that area. So, next time – Neist Point Lighthouse.