Potovanja so zame interakcija z ljudmi. Z domačini, ki jih srečam v najbolj odročnih vasicah tega planeta ali pa z ostalimi sorodnimi dušami, s katerimi so se križale moje poti. OK, ne rečem, da niso dobri občutki, ko si npr. v Afriki obkrožen z divjimi živalmi ali pa tavaš po blodnjaku peščenih Saharskih sipin. A na koncu, ko potegnem črto pod vsakim potovanjem vidim, da so ljudje tista pika na i, ki loči nepozabna potovanja od ostalih. Mesto Sinaw mi je v Omanu ponudilo tisto, kar od njega sploh nisem pričakoval – nepozabna srečanja z ljudmi na verjetno najboljšem marketu v Omanu.
For me the best part of travel is meeting other people – locals in the most remote villages of this planet or other similar souls from other parts of the world. OK, I do not say that it is not amazing when you are for example in Africa surrounded by wild animals or you wonder in the sea of sand dunes in Sahara. But in the end, when I draw the line under the journey I see, that those people are icing on the cake, which separates the unforgettable journey from the rest. City Sinaw in Oman gave me what I did not expect from it – the best market in Oman, full of amazingly friendly locals.