Pa pejmo malo na toplo 🙂 Lets go to warm places 🙂
Otok Masirah je največji otok v Omanu. Mi smo se tja podali že takoj na začetku in ko gledam nazaj, smo največ norih stvari doživeli prav na njem. Po prvi neprespani noči zaradi vetra na celini in neuspešnem iskanju želv, smo se podali proti jugu in pristanišču, ki povezuje celino z otokom Masirah. Pot s trajektom je bila OK, nič posebnega, če odmisliš staro kripo, na kateri smo se prevažali uro in pol.
Masirah Island is the largest island in Oman. We went there at the begining of our trip, and I realized now, that we had some really crazy adventures down there. After the first sleepless night because of the wind on the continent and unsuccessful search for turtles, we went south, to the port that connects the mainland with the island of Masirah. The ferry ride was OK, nothing special.
Vreme je bilo cel dan precej slabo, najbolj pa nas je ubijal močan veter. Kljub temu pa smo se imeli super. Ni boljšega kot debatitari z vaškimi ribiči in uživati ob noro dobrih pogledih.
The weather was pretty bad all day, but the worst was strong wind, that was killing us. However, we had a great time. There is nothing better than talking to local fishermen and enjoying amazing landscape around you.
In ker je bil veter vse močnejši, smo kar nekaj časa iskali primeren prostor za naše kampiranje. Našli smo idiličen zaliv, kolikor toliko v zavetju in vse je kazalo, da bomo po dveh neprespanih nočeh (prva na letalu, druga pa neprespana zaradi neuspešnega nočnega iskanja želv) končno vsaj malo zaspali.
And since the wind was stronger and stronger, we spent quite a lot of time looking for perfect location for our camping night on the island. We found an idyllic sheltered bay and it all looked like we are going to have one peaceful night after 2 sleepless nights (the first on the plane and another sleepless night due to a failed night turtle search).
A narava je imela z nami drugačne načrte. Na začetku noči se je smer vetra spremenila in šotori so postali popolnoma izpostavljeni močnim, skoraj orkanskim sunkom vetra. Spanja ni bilo nič, lomilo nam je palice, trgalo šotorsko tkanino… Ena velika norija. Najprej sem skušal šotor še popravljati a vse je bilo brez vsakega smisla. V naprej izgubljen boj. 10cm peska v šotoru, usta, ušesa in vse možne odprtine napolnjene s peskom. Na koncu sem le še ležal v šotoru (težko temu rečeš šotor), užival ob občutku, kot da pred šotorom stoji orjak in z lopato vsakih nekaj sekund tolče po šotoru, mojem obrazu in me zasipava s lepim puščavskim peskom. Noro dobro 🙂 Spodaj pa fotka mojega jutranjega “šotora” in mene po hudičevo lepi arabski noči :).
But nature had other plans for us. At the beginning of the night the wind direction changed, and the tents have become completely exposed to powerful, almost hurricane winds. There was no sleep at all, wind was tearing the tent fabrics, breaking tent bars… Just crazy. At first I tried to repair a tent but it was mission imposible. 10cm of sand in the tent, mouth, ears and all possible holes filled with sand. In the end I just lay in the tent (hard to call it a tent), without energy. Awesome 🙂 Below is photo of my morning “tent” and me after an unforgetable arabic night :).